Reflection should be ongoing, you should do this on your Production Diary page.
You also need a final evaluation.
In this context relates to the application of intellectual curiosity and rigour in making judgements and establishing meaning and values, and the level of contemplation and deliberation necessary to progress and achieve identified goals, likely to be evidenced in vlogs, personal statement, peer reviews, personal reflective journals, images, notebooks, recordings, artefacts and through other practical media related outcomes.
In addition to your on-going reflections & evaluations you must produce a summative analytical evaluative reflection of your project/production that includes:
Effectiveness of research. What could have been better?
Methods used, missed opportunities?
Final concept?
Planning, what went well…what did not?
Production, what went well…what did not?
Post-production, what went well…what did not?
How you dealt with TECHNICAL problems?
How you dealt with MANAGEMENT problems?
How you dealt with EMOTIONAL problems?
Do you think you met the brief?
provide evidence you have demonstrated consideration and professionalism in working with others. Your crew (if applicable) must feedback to you and address areas such as:
Clear outline of job role
Guidance and support
Clear instructions
Management style
Grading Criteria
Critically evaluate a creative media project against the agreed requirements and parameters.
... to a high standard.
... to a very high standard.