Sam's Class
LO2 - Advertisement and Distribution
Lesson 1 - History of Advertisement
Welcome back!
I hope everyone is well rested over half term.
First order of business is your case studies for Titanic and Assassins Creed: Valhalla. We'll be discussing them next week and reflecting on them, so if you did not complete them before or over half term, please do so by next Monday (I will be checking!)
Secondly, if everyone can send their blog links to now.

Advertising task HERE
Now that we've got all the admin out of the way, let's talk about what we're going to do today.
We're going to be looking at the History of Advertising, and how advertising has worked through the ages.
Two of the key terms when talking about methods of advertising are Above The Line and Below The Line Marketing.
Above the line marketing: Above the Line (ATL) advertising is where mass media is used ti promote brands and reach out to target consumers. These include conventional media as we know it, TV and radio, print as well as the internet. This is communication that is targeted to a wider spread of audiences and is not specific to individual consumer. ATL adverting tries to reach out to the mass as a consumer audience.
Below the line marketing: Below the line (BTL) advertising is more one to one and involves the distribution of such things as pamphlets, stickers, promotions, brochures, banners etc. It can also involve product demos and samplings.
Create a timeline using (we'll be coming back and forth using this website so make sure to set up an account.) and track the development of advertising throughout history. When you've completed this, upload it to your blogs.
Watch this video as a starting point: TIMELINE VIDEO
Extension: Looking back at the case studies you completed for Titanic and Assassin's Creed (or finish them if you haven't) what types of marketing strategies did they use? Was it Above the Line or Below the line? Was it both? Can we build up a profile based on the marketing strategies of who these products were targeting? Age, gender etc. Link back to micro-elements with every observation.

Lesson 2-3 - Analogue Methods of Advertising
Now that we have a timeline of the history of advertising we're going to start looking at their purposes, starting with pre-digital methods of advertising.
The three we are going to be looking at are Print, Radio and Television
Print Advertising
Going back to something that we've studied before, 'Spectre' look at this link that shows all of the different print campaigns that came out to do with the film. Explain on your blog how the campaign used print advertising. Who were they targeting: age, type of person, which products were used and why, was it ATL, BTL or Both?
007 Spectre Advertising campaign - Pick four adverts to analyse. For every observation, try and link back to a specific micro-element (with print advertising, think about placement on the page, font choice, etc.)

Radio Advertising
Where is advertising used for Radio?
Check out this website
Pick 2-3 examples and answer the questions on the Spectre sheet. Think about the where and when these adverts might be used. What are the benefits? Where and when do people listen to the radio? Is there an overlap of target audience. What sort of techniques are used by the adverts to sell the products (SFX, narrative, characters etc).

Television Advertising
Research for your blogs.
When did advertising on TV begin
When did we get satellite and cable TV in the UK?
What is meant by the term 'Narrowcast Channel'?
What effect did satellite and cable have on advertising?
What would you say the major developments in TV advertising between the beginning and now? Give examples on advertisement.
Analyse this Christmas advert from John Lewis (try not to cry)
What cinematographic elements (mise-en-scene, sound, cinematography, editing) does it use and why? How does it create empathy? Why are these choices made for selling a department store brand? What emotion/feeling does the advert and the closing slogan create in you and make you feel about the brand?

Lesson 4 - Digital Advertising
Remember that your case studies for Assassin's Creed and Titanic are due today!
There's been a recent shift to using predominantly digital methods of advertising, largely prompted by this idea of Web 2.0
We're going to be looking at two articles today, firstly this one: which talks about how social media has impacted advertising.
Answer the following on your blog:
1. According to Ganguly, what are the three benefits of social media?
2. Pick a product you have interacted with recently. How has the product been marketed to you via social media? Facebook, instagram etc. Find specific examples and images and discuss what appealed to you specifically.
In a separate post, answer these questions by Researching and calling on what we've learnt so far:
1. Define the terms media product, media sector, media producers and media consumers
2. What is Web 2.0? Who came up with the idea? Can you explain the effect this has had on the internet itself and on us as consumers?
3. What impact do you think Web 2.0 has had on advertising?
4. Explain how advertising on social media can be said to be ‘below the line’?
5. Can you think of another form of web-based advertising that might use ‘below the line’ marketing?

Lesson 5 - How Media Products are Advertised to Audiences
Case Study Time!
Cast your mind back to Spectre once again.
On the slides is a list of Television spots produced for the film, including commercials, interviews and more.
Media companies will often use synergy to promote a product - using both traditional and modern advertising methods across a variety of platforms.
Using your notes gathered from the print advertisements and the tv spots, create a slideshow that discusses the following:
1. Identify all the ways in which the product was advertised by traditional methods. Find weblinks and / or screenshots to evidence your findings.
2. Identify all the ways in which the product was advertised through digital methods. Find weblinks and / or screenshots to evidence your findings.
3. Explain how the two methods worked together to successfully promote their product. Refer to above and below the line advertising in your answer.
Lesson 6 - End of LO1 Assessment
I'm not going to be in lesson today, so I'd like you to complete this assessment.
This is a fundamental assessment, and just because I'm not there doesn't mean you can skip it. It is imperative that you complete this.
The assessment is on a google form which can be found here:
You have 30 minutes in the lesson to do additional revision, and then the test itself will be 45 minutes.
You'll get the marks back in the next couple of weeks.